This is the story of a closely bonded household, having some internal issues pertinent to finances and grand-daughters’ marriages. The story revolves around prominent characters which are Nani, Sakina Samoo as Shagufta Kali, who is religious, having good conduct and etiquettes & Dadi, Azra Mohiuddin, who is joyful and happy-go-lucky natured, however, they both are ages apart.
While facing all these hurdles and losing hope, one day Mr. Jamshed, who is based in America and is their brother-in-law, calls Nani & Dadi and says that he has lost and wife and now he is sending his son, Ali, to Pakistan for marriage to one of their grand-daughters. On this voyage, Ahmed adjoins Ali as being a close friend. Unfortunately, their elder grand-daughter got engaged to Ahmed instead of Ali. Later, Ali accepts this engagement and chooses the second grand-daughter as better-half. Before Eid’s bell just about to rang, Mr. Jamshed returned to the family and started resolving their problems one by one.
How things will end up, what actions will Mr. Jamshed take and what is going to happen with this family, specially their younger ones who have chosen to marry girls they do not know much? Get to know it by watching Geo Kahani on this EID
Written by: Kiran Shah | Directed by: Syed Muhammad Khurram | Produced by: Babar Javed